Still haven't been able to get back to this blog but here's a three second update....
-Hired as a main videographer/photographer for a record label...
-Currently doing storyboards for two personal projects with the stunt team...
-Test run of our actor stunt training/business with the stunt team went better than expected.
-Finishing up onlining on two travel/event vids for the channel with three more in pre-production
-Gearing up for Seattle/Vancouver next week and two Miami trips in March
All while auditioning and taking classes to further reach that Acting pie in the sky...
This year is already looking to explode...
I hope that everybody is doing well out there... =o)
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Who Am I?
"Healthy discontent is the prelude to progress." - Mohandas Gandhi
On a mission to make this year better than the last I made a list of significant events and checkpoints throughout 2010 to show myself how I am closer to/straying from my goals...
January 9, 2010 - A poisoning event that nearly landed me in the hospital. Definitely a significant moment in my life that attributed to my current drive today.
February 9, 2010 - Promoted to Performing Member of the Detour Improv Group.
March 10, 2010 - Invited to join the Epic Martial Arts Stunts group.
March 12, 2010 - Signed by the Colleen Cler Agency and gained my first commercial/print agent.
April 1, 2010 - Arrived in New York for the first time.
April 2, 2010 - Night 1 of A State of Trance 450. Met Menno de Jong and Roger Shah and found them to be some of the most appreciative artists I've encountered when it comes to their fans
April 7, 2010 - Met Ric Young
April 10, 2010 - First ever professional stunt shoot for feature film Double Crossed.
April 12, 2010 - First ever hospital visit. Sprained foot aggravated from overtraining and exhaustion.
April 13, 2010 - First professional audition
April 19, 2010 - East West Players Visionary Gala. Met many wonderful artists within APA community and started to get a real sense of how important our mission is to break in with the media.
May 10, 2010 - First credit entered into database
June 5, 2010 - Antigone performance at East West Players
June 10, 2010 - Release of the New York video which taps into a new hobby and passion never felt before.
July 10, 2010 - Met Aruna. Sat with her at a table while she sang Ashley, one of those experiences I will never forget.
July 11, 2010 - Shot Lipton Iced Tea Commercial (Spec)
July 24, 2010 - First job as an event videographer
July 31, 2010 - First job as an event photographer
September 12, 2010 - Invited to join the Metamorphosis Theatre Company
September 20, 2010 - Production begins on first show of the season with MTC
September 28, 2010 - Transition to full-time actor
October 15, 2010 - Opening night of The Bible: The Complete Word of God (abridged)
October 23, 2010 - Wrapped filming on my first industrial project
November, 2010 - Hired by record label Audio Impact Los Angeles as primary photographer / videographer
December 7, 2010 - Performed in the Caesar: The Movie reading for producers which introduced me to many wonderful artists within the APA community.
December 10, 2010 - Trance Around The World 350 at the Hollywood Palladium
December, 2010 - Acquisition of the Canon 5D MkII, Glidecam 2000 and Red Rock Micro rig for professional filming and personal projects.
December 31, 2010 - Gabriel & Dresden reunion at the Hollywood Palladium
I hope that everyone is doing well out there... =o)
Track of the Day:
Gabriel & Dresden - Tracking Treasure Down (Wippenberg 131 Mix)