OMG...Paul van Dyk was amazing!!! (Did you really expect any less now...) I got to Vanguard right at 9:00pm when the doors opened and I was greeted to the deep thumpin' sounds of House courtesy of Joaquin Bamaca
House isn't necessarily my EDM of choice (it takes me a while to get into) but this guy packed it and rocked it! However, around 1:00am I started to get worried, because I knew that Joaquin was opening but no mention of Paul van Dyk anywhere. I asked, "Could he be playing in another room I didn't discover? Am I missing his set already???" That's when the music reduced itself to a single, lone beat and the lights went off...
...and before me in TOUCHING distance emerged a silhouette against the backdrop of lasers of a thin man with a narrow face and sculpted nose... Slowly the letters "P A U L V A N D Y K I N B E T W E E N" appeared on the projection screens on either side of the stage. The beat sped up to his trademark tempo that the crowd immediately recognized. Layers of percussion and synth began to fill the soundscape building in volume competing with the growing screams of the crowd until you felt the very earth shake...building ...and building... until reaching a plateau prompting the lights to shine down on the center booth revealing...
Paul van Dyk!!! Paul van Dyk!!! Paul van Dyk!!! Work the crowd, Paul!!! What a great way to start off a set too. He began with a song I really like that I first heard last week at Armin Live in LA and in A State of Trance's Pascal Feliz - From Behind the Speaker (Part 1). Listen to ASOT308 at the 66:00 mark sped up JUST A TAD. Man, did that set the tone for the rest of the night. I have some bad videos and pics that I going to post to either Facebook or YouTube later on today or tomorrow....
See the idiot in blue standing in the center of some of these pics...that's me. You see how I'm smiling in this last pic...I don't need to write anymore. You already know how this night went....
Engaging with Sander van Doorn tonite...