"All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another." - Anatole France
I'm on such a quote kick lately... =oÞ
The days themselves seem to pass ever so slowly but such a contrast I see when I look at the calendar and notice how fast time has passed. Oh my, how much have myself and the people around me changed. Goals, priorities, attitudes renew themselves radically and even faces in some cases no longer are familiar. I guess I should not have expected for all of us to change together in the same direction.
I'd have to say that I started realizing my true self about five years ago and by that I mean it was at the time I started reaching for my passions. I've grown and changed so much in these past few years than I ever have in the time before that. I've developed a strong desire for adventure, for travel and for an even stronger need to have a network of friends and loved ones to share those experiences with. I was such a materialistic person before that. I had to collect every single game and movie I could get my hands on. I had to drive my Mercedes and have nothing but the latest to prove my worth. Each of those things later became nothing but a burden to me. What really made me happy were experiences and at that particular point in my life I had very few. I had found a new drive in wanting to change that and doing so has brought me much better things into my life.
I'm trying to regain myself...to tap into that potential that I know is there in my heart. From the people I've encountered in my life and to those gracious enough to take me into their hearts, I know that I am capable of doing great things. And I know that there is no one else like me. Perhaps this time I'll be able to find those who truly understand and appreciate me.
To those in the past I've shared so much with, including those I'm not on good terms with. I look forward to the day when we all can look back at our trangressions in peace and reform our bonds of friendship as the magnificent people we are becoming.
I hope that everyone is doing well out there... =o)
Yet ANOTHER Quote:
"Be the change you want to see in the world" - Gandhi
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Who Am I?
I'm an artist and wandering soul in pursuit of life's many treasures. Always on that search for fulfillment, laughter and a love that is true. This chronicles my inner journey beginning with the realization of my ignorance within my passions.
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